Member Charter

Member charter

The Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine is committed to helping our members – develop through learning, disrupt through innovation and drive necessary changes to the health care system through their membership.

We provide opportunities to learn, connect and grow your business with other like-minded practitioners who are passionate about Lifestyle Medicine.

We believe in utilising evidence to guide our practice, diversity of thought, collaboration, and respect.

This charter is designed to help you understand your rights and responsibilities when applying for or renewing your membership.

Our Values


We act with integrity, openness and honesty


We are committed to equality and diversity


We are warm, compassionate and supportive.​


We are creative, friendly and positive.


We are innovative and bold change-makers.

Our vision

For all Australians and New Zealanders to be happier, healthier, and living longer through lifestyle as medicine.

Our mission

To promote health and wellbeing through the interdisciplinary delivery of evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine in health and community settings. 


We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the unceded lands where we work and live. We celebrate the diversity of First Nations peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past and present.

As a bi-national (or Australasian) society, we also acknowledge that the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine respects ngā iwi Māori as the Tangata Whenua (or people of the land) of Aotearoa.The Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and to building our relationship with Māori, and striving to improve the health of Māori and all first peoples.

Everything is interconnected. We are both whole and part, collective and individual, wave and particle. We are part of, and interact with our ecosystem. Human health and wellbeing is inseparable from social and environmental health and sustainability, and therefore dependent on the quality of our society and our stewardship of the planet.

In keeping with our ‘everything is interconnected’ philosophy, the Australasian Society or Lifestyle Medicine is not only concerned with health and wellbeing, but also ecology, environmental sustainability, justice, health equity and social responsibility, whether it be at a personal, community, corporate or government level

Guiding principles

Practice in a culturally, socially and environmentally responsive manner to both support and champion the health needs of all, especially the most vulnerable members of our communities.

Practice safe, evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine*, based on shared decision-making and informed consent.

Review core information, position statements, how to treat guidelines, and latest evidence on a regular basis and commit to ongoing professional development

Seek to develop and maintain core competencies in Lifestyle Medicine through continuous education and involvement with ASLM.

Adhere to this charter and any other relevant code of conduct or ethics as would be expected of a registered/accredited member of the health sector.

Act fairly, in good faith, honestly and with respect to patients, other healthcare professionals and key stakeholders in your community.

Uphold the standards of professionalism and report to appropriate regulatory entities members whose competence or professional activity could adversely affect the welfare of patients or misrepresent ASLM.

Where appropriate, undertake research that behaves ethically towards all human subjects and represent findings with complete honesty. Act in a manner congruent with relevant state, territory and/or national public health advice.

Do not prescribe or recommend products or services from which you profit without full and complete disclosure of financial gain.

Comply with all applicable laws and regulation governing your individual scope of practice.

Do not claim results unsupported by documented and verifiable evidence.

Lifestyle medicine refers to the use of lifestyle and social assessment and evidence-based interventions, including nutrition, movement, sleep, social connection, social connection, social prescribing, connection with the natural world, mental wellbeing practices, health coaching and implementation and model of care science. Lifestyle Medicine is not alternative medicine, and does not use the following; supplements, herbal treatments, energy healing or other related alternative healing practices. Health practitioners choosing to utilise approaches outside of the abovementioned Lifestyle Medicine domains must be in accordance with their regulatory body, training and scope of practice. Members are to use evidence-based and safe approaches, and any practices outside of the above listed lifestyle interventions are not deemed as Lifestyle Medicine and must not be advertised or promoted as Lifestyle Medicine.


Membership of ASLM does not confer a right to practice outside the scope of which an individual is already legally allowed to practice.

Statement on Use of ASLM Membership and Fellowship​

ASLM Fellows and Members are recognised for their commitment to evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine. However, it is essential that this recognition is not used to lend credibility to personal or professional commentary outside the scope of Lifestyle Medicine.

Members, and in particular Fellows, must not use their ASLM Fellowship or Membership status to promote views, practices, or commentary beyond the promotion of Lifestyle as Medicine or the practice of Lifestyle Medicine. This includes, but is not limited to, medical topics outside the six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, speculative or non-evidence-based health claims, and positions that are not aligned with ASLM’s evidence-based approach.

ASLM remains committed to upholding the integrity of Lifestyle Medicine and ensuring that our professional community maintains the highest standards of scientific rigor, ethical practice, and professional responsibility. Members found to be misrepresenting their ASLM affiliation in this way may be subject to review under ASLM’s professional standards and membership policies.

For any concerns regarding this policy, please contact ASLM at .

About ASLM

The Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM) is an interdisciplinary society working towards improved prevention, management, and treatment of chronic, complex and lifestyle-related conditions. ‘Lifestyle-related’ includes environmental, societal, behavioural and other factors. ASLM members include GPs and medical specialists, nurses, allied health practitioners, public health physicians, educators, scientists, researchers and healthcare executives.

Adherence to this charter is a condition of ASLM membership and members may be counselled or suspended based upon violation.

Get involved

Help shape the future of health and add your voice to a growing movement.


Gain access to our online member portal, professional development pathways, clinical resources and exclusive member discounts.


Support us in continuing to provide valuable education, training, and resources to professionals and community improving the healthcare and wellbeing for all.

Stay informed

Connect with us for the latest Lifestyle Medicine research, news, events, professional development and opportunities.