Required and recommended reading

Required reading Time to set the record straight – What Lifestyle Medicine is, and what it is not (Penman, 2019) Recommended reading Physician competencies for…

Additional resources

Articles How big alcohol is trying to fool us into thinking drinking is safer than it really is (Miller, 2019) Behavioral counseling interventions in primary…

Presentation references

Goulden, R. (2016). Moderate alcohol consumption is not associated with reduced all-cause mortality. American Journal of Medicine, 129(2), 180-186.e184. https://doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.10.013 Haber, P., Lintzeris, N., Proude,…


Presented by Dr Cheryl Wilson Download the slides for this presentation here: Fundamentals of managing risky alcohol use – Introduction   Presentation

Required and recommended reading

Required reading Lifestyle Medicine 3rd Edition Chapter 23 – Understanding addictions (Litt & West, 2017) Recommended reading Moderate alcohol consumption not associated with reduced all-cause…

Learning outcomes

Describe the role of moderating alcohol use in preventing and treating chronic diseases  Describe the clinical process for screening for alcohol misuse  Summarise the evidence-based…

Additional resources

Articles Tobacco in Australia: Facts & Issues – A comprehensive online resource (Scollo & Winstanley, 2019) The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A…


Presented by A/Prof Renee Bittoun Download the slides for this presentation here: Fundamentals of tobacco cessation – Introduction   Presentation

Recommended reading

Recommended reading The Shattuck lecture: A molecular basis for nicotine as a gateway drug (Kandel & Kandel, 2014) Chronic disease management approach to treating tobacco…