Additional resources

Dietary guidelines Webpages Food-based dietary guidelines (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), n.d.). This page provides a link to all countries worldwide…


Presented by Dr Flavia Fayet-Moore, BSc(Hons), MNutrDiet, RNutr, APD, PhD, Dr Joanna McMillan, BScNutr &Diet (Hons), PhD, FASLM and Dr Sue Radd-Vagenas, BSc, GDD, PhD,…

Required and recommended reading

Required reading Dietary guidelines Lifestyle Medicine 3rd Edition Chapter 8 – Nutrition for the nondietitian (McMillan-Price & Egger, 2017) Nutrition assessment no required reading Nutrition…

Learning outcomes

3.2.1 Dietary Guidelines Summarise the dietary guidelines, and describe why they are important Describe nutrition basics – foundation diet, total diet, energy and nutrient requirements,…