Required and recommended reading

Required reading Time to set the record straight – What Lifestyle Medicine is, and what it is not (Penman, 2019) Recommended reading Physician competencies for…

Presentation references

Egger, G. J. (2018). Defining a structure and methodology for the practice of lifestyle medicine. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 12(5), 396-403. Egger, G.…


Presented by Dr Sam Manger, Vice President of ASLM, MBBS (MD), BSc, FRACGP, FASLM, Medical Educator Presentation 

Additional resources

Further reading Defining a structure and methodology for the practice of Lifestyle Medicine (Egger, 2018) (Paywall) How should we define health? (Huber et al., 2011) Lifestyle…

Learning outcomes

Describe key stages in the development of LM Explain core concepts – what LM is Compare and contrast definitions of LM Describe the ‘pillars’ and…