Meet General Practitioner and Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician Dr Inge van Leeuwen
ASLM Member Spotlights showcase the invaluable work that ASLM Fellows, ASLM Accredited Doctors and Practitioners, and member ambassadors are doing to establish Lifestyle Medicine as central to health, healthcare and health policy. ASLM members represent a broad range of medical and health practitioners as well as passionate professionals working in health and wellbeing who believe that and interdisciplinary and lifestyle-centric approach should be considered when it comes to the prevention and management of chronic and lifestyle-related disease.
What is your background?
I am a GP, born, raised and trained as a doctor in Family Medicine in the Netherlands and migrated to Australia almost 20 years ago. I have always been passionate about advocating for a healthy life style, both professionally but also in my private life.
How did you come to Lifestyle Medicine?
I have always had an interest in healthy living and lifestyle medicine and didn’t think that we learned enough about it during our medical training. I was also attracted to the multidisciplinary character of this branch in medicine.
Why did you choose to pursue further education in Lifestyle Medicine?
I feel that a recognised accreditation is the best way to go to increase my knowledge in this area of medicine.
How has, or how do you envisage this influencing your career/direction?
I have noticed that I am much more confident and knowledgeable in providing patients with information and advice about the prevention and management of their chronic conditions.
Any advice for members considering ASLM education?
I would definitely recommend getting accredited in Lifestyle Medicine because it will increase your knowledge about it profoundly, makes you more confident in delivering the necessary care and advice, related to lifestyle medicine and you will meet many interesting, like-minded and passionate people at the Lifestyle Medicine Conferences.